This is the story of how a young Captain Richard Evans became the B-17 "Flying Fortress" pilot for Field Marshal Bernard L. Montgomery, Commander of the British 8th Army, during his missions throughout North Africa and Italy. Filled with humor and humility, Evans’ recollections of cadet training, combat missions and experiences with the “top brass” bring the realities of being a World War II pilot into a deeply human focus.

100% of revenue from the sale of the Richard Eager book
is donated to the Air Force Aid Society.

“Richard Eager”
A Pilot’s Story from Tennessee Eagle Scout to General Montgomery’s “Flying Fortress”

Stories & News

“These experiences with the brass hats are unusual, Pop, and as such, interesting, but know ye, they are not the real thing! I am these days in the company of generals, air marshals and kings only because of circumstances, not because of anything meritorious that I have accomplished.”
Captain Richard E. Evans, Letter to his father
North Africa, June 19, 1943
Barbara (“Bobbie”) Evans Kinnear, daughter of Colonel Richard Ernest Evans, joins historian and author, James Holland, on his podcast, “We Have Ways of Making You Talk”